"PLP" Panels


"PLP" (Panel Loc Plus) Panels are typically used for residential applications.
Available in 29ga and 26ga Acrylic Coated Galvalume, all colors in 29ga, and most colors in 26ga (refer to color chart for details).
Most commonly installed over 1" x 4" Wood Lathing, Designed for a Maximum Span of 2'-0".
Recommended Minimum Roof Pitch of 3":12".  
Major Ribs are 3/4" Tall and spaced 9" on center.
Designed to be used with "29ga Trims" from Color Chart / Trims. 
Coverage Width is 36".
While our parent company (Moore's Feed) keeps most panels in
stock lengths of 8', 10', 12', 14', 16', 18', and 20'
 We will be happy to cut your order to the length you need.


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